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Guru Shakti Dham
Built in the UK, Energised by a Himalayan Saint, offering the experience of the Himalayas to Every Soul

Situated in Nottinghamshire, the meditation hall is a unique space, designed with sustainability and longevity in mind. Energised by the meditative penance of a Himalayan saint, it is specifically built to support and enhance deeper meditative states for every heart!


The 'Guru Shakti Dham' ~ Meditation Hall

A special meditation hall - the Gurushaktidham is being constructed at the Samarpan Yog Centre in Melton Mowbray. The design of the meditation hall and plan for the development of the estate is based on a simple, high quality, sustainably built environment, designed to enhance the meditative experience. At the same time, our aim is to protect and enhance the natural environment, respecting the local biology and biodiversity and minimising our environmental impact as much as possible.


The estate is being specifically developed to take into account the special quality of Samarpan Meditation and its sacred centre ~ the energised Statue. Alongside this, attractiveness in the rural environment, longevity and sustainability are all important to us. Careful research was conducted to determine suitable solutions and natural materials for the facilities needed on the estate, including the Meditation Hall and its interior, to take the design to the next stage of development.


Within the Meditation Hall exists an energised space ~ upon which the energised Statue resides. It is be built to have suitable characteristics to retain and amplify the high vibrations, and enhance the silence within the hall.


Another significant feature of the Hall is the raised pyramid roof of glass, letting light shine onto the inner sacred space. A pyramid roof is known to magnify universal energy for those who meditate within the building, helping them to connect with nature’s flow, bringing experiences of peacefulness and wellbeing.


Due to generous donations and the volunteers’ unwavering faith in the project, along with the dedicated focus, preparation and research of the management team, Phase 2 of this project has been achieved and Phase 3 is underway.

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Samarpan Meditation UK © 2024

Long Acre, Melton Road, Hickling Pastures, Melton Mowbray, Nottinghamshire, LE14 3QG

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HMRC Charity No: EW19986

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